Of Course He’s a Loki… He’s Green Right?


2021 Alligator Loki/Lady Loki Crossover at DragconCon. Photo by Jen Eyre Photography.


When I first saw the loveable Alligator Loki I knew I wanted to create something inspired by him. Given that the Loki show came out in 2021, we KNEW that the group photos at DragonCon were going to be huge, and they were.

I made this corset from a stretch cosplay fabric, patterned in alligator, along with a front made of a yellow metallic vinyl from The Sewing Studio Fabric Superstore in Mainland, FL. I also sourced the chiffon for the multilayer skirt from The Sewing Studio Fabric Superstore as well. My horns were custom made for me by Blueroomprops. The fur shawl was a vintage find at a thrift store.

Take a look at the finer details below, including hand-sewn sequins to give the corset some extra flair.

I was also able reuse this costume for a Ren Fair, and my partner was a Medieval Mr. Minutes. I made a new corset for this adventure, with a busk in front and each of us sported cloaks. The details on my partner’s tunic made me incredibly proud.


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